The Girl Who Got Struck By Lightning

It's been four years since I published my first book The Blake Brothers, but it feels just as special. I don't think it'll wear off either. It will always carry that reverent hold for me. That's almost magnetic and magic itself. I wrote a line in the book that Abigail says, I didn't know it'd mean so much to me later. *Warning: Spoilers ahead* In that part of the book, my main character, Abby, is explaining how she is now known to everyone as the "the girl who got struck by lightning" (literally).
Only later would I realize, that's how it felt when I discovered I'd finally found what I was meant to a writer. To become an author and tell stories for a living. People don't always find their niche straight off in life, at least it didn't work that way for me. I had to go through a series of odd jobs and a failed attempt at a career in hairstyling to discover that. Not that I've had to learn ANYTHING the easy way in life, but THAT'S another blog post for another day. Or maybe my memoir. Now THAT would trip 'ya right out!
Anyway, that's how it came to me (my realization) so suddenly. I had began to tinker with the idea of finishing a few stories I'd started over the years and it never just hit. Until it did. My niece was the first to lead me on to the app called Wattpad and fueled by a dare by my very underestimating husband (he really shouldn't have because he created a monster). I began to write The Blake Brothers, using all of the emotions I usually kept carefully hidden. I had just found out my father had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and was feeling particularly powerless. No one understood or cared enough and I just had all these feelings and nothing to do with them (story of my life). So, I thought...what the hell. I knew even while I was writing it that it was something different. I'd never felt like that before when I'd wrote. It was like I was literally buzzing with electricity, like I was possessed, a vessel to the story that HAD to be told. And told MY way. I poured all of my pain, emotions, anger, and secrets into it. I changed and rearranged and broke rules and cliche's until I knew I'd encrypted myself into every word. Only it wasn't MY story, it was Abby's.
You know how some people say they 'make deals with the devil' to gain fame? Not that I'm famous in ANY way, it's just a reference. Well, I went to God. Yes, I talk to him. No, he doesn't talk back. lol (yet) I've only asked him for a few things for myself in my life so far. I asked him if I could have this. If I could be an author. I guess he let me. I did make him a promise though (no I won't tell you what it is).
Anyway, that's my story about that! I fantasize about getting the phrase tattooed on me, along with lightning bolts. But tattoos are expensive. So, when people ask me, "how did you become an author?" I'll probably prattle out some reasonable response, when really I'll be thinking "I got struck by lightning" figuratively of course, not literally.
Thanks for reading. Until next time!
Fictionally Yours,