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Cover Girl

We all dream of it, right? Well, I did anyway, as a girl. Gracing the cover of a magazine or an album cover. Even after a minuscule brush with a modeling agent as a teen, I knew that hope died for me when I stopped growing at the age of 16. I was only 5'2. Since then I might've even shrunk an inch!

So you can imagine my surprise when I ended up on the cover of my own book! It was never the original plan, but here's how it went:

I couldn't get the cover to One Drunk Text right. I couldn't use the stock image I'd used for my ebook because I didn't own the rights and couldn't afford to buy them. And then...

I'd become obsessed with the idea of a pair of very significant baby blue stiletto heels gracing the cover. My main character, Corinne, is at a very crucial moment when she wears them. Along with a certain baby blue and yellow flowered dress. *Spoiler Alert* This moment is very important for her, it's the first time she's coming face to face with Garrett after she's admitted she's in love with him. She's full of nerves and she's looking her best, and hoping for the best.

So of course I had to get the heels, and then the dress. They were both pricey and I had to find a way to convince my husband to buy them. So I reluctantly said I'd wear them to a wedding we were to attend, AND I'd wear them to my first book release party for One Drunk Text. Both horrible decisions. But the important part is, it worked. My husband couldn't dispute it when the ensemble would have multiple uses.

At this point I knew I wanted both items on the cover, but how? I'd previously tried to convince my best friend (an ex-model) to do the cover before I'd purchased either item and she declined. But she did say she'd be my photographer. Which I was overjoyed about. She said I should do it. So did my boss. That I should be the model. I was understandably apprehensive. So I started looking at similar covers that had women in dresses and heels, only showing from the legs down. I showed my boss and she said, "what if you did the legs down and you holding the phone?" She'd also said to incorporate a wine glass into the occasion, which we did try. Only wine wasn't allowed in the parking lot...we'll get to that in a minute.

Cut to 'the' night. Me, my best friend Belinda, and our mutual friend Mary had all decided to meet up for drinks downtown (the perfect place to shoot the cover). I had casually mentioned that I would wear the dress and heels and if she was okay with it, could she could try to snap a few shots? If the opportunity presented itself? She agreed immediately (because she's amazing). There was only one slight problem...she'd had a few glasses of wine. And so had Mary. I was the designated driver for the night.

I asked her if she might still give it a go? Summer was almost over and I knew my opportunities (with our schedules) were limited. She was all game. Even Mary who we'd originally gathered for (it was her going away party) was on board. I have the best friends. So there we were in the parking lot of a little wine bar, 2 out of the 3 of us *slightly* drunk. The one who should've been drunk, me, the writer, was as sober as can be!

Belinda went straight into photographer mode on her...cell phone. Yeah, we'd also forgotten the professional camera. She was ordering me against walls. Instructing me to pose this way and that. I stumbled around in those awful, sky high stilettos and a short dress, probably flashing onlookers (and there were onlookers) my panties. Mary got in on it and gave us her ideas as well. After I was sweaty and embarrassed, and Belinda and Mary were ready to get to the actual celebrating, we went inside and finally had our drinks. We took a few more shots in the bar, but after that we basically let go and enjoy the night. We went to a few more places after that, but it was only about fun at that point. I'd changed into a more sensible pair of heels that I'd brought along, because my feet were crying from the baby blue stilettos (if feet could cry).

At the end of the night, Belinda told me she'd send me the pictures she took and we mutually agreed we'd give it a more 'professional' shot later. Only, later never came. Our schedules and lives got in the way. I looked over the photos and one of them stuck out. It was eye catching... So I stuck it into Canva and started editing. Now with the font and filters, I asked the public (Facebook and Instagram of course) of their opinion. They all liked it!

A cover was born.

And that is how I became a cover girl for my book One Drunk Text.

On one slightly drunk night with my friends. Well they were drunk (like barely). I, designated Dave, had only ONE sad glass of wine. But it was worth it. To catch THAT cover.

Thanks Belinda for taking the picture, to me a REAL photographer can work under any conditions with ANY equipment and still make magic. Which she did. Thanks Mary, who let me steal her light for just a little bit, all in the name of authorship. So that I could work with the only opportunity I had, or would have. And thank you Amie, for helping me brainstorm ideas, listening to me, giving me good advice and helping me see through my vision. Also...

Thank YOU readers, for sticking with me and listening.

Until next time,


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