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Covid Blues

Wow, it's been a while. Since COVID hit anyway. So many people's lives slowed down. Mine sped up. I never stopped working, although my kids' school did temporarily close down for a little over 2 months. You know what that meant, virtual schooling TIMES 3. It wasn't all bad though. We spent more time outdoors and cooking at home in those months than we ever had. Almost as if we were forced to revert to the old school way of life. During this time, more than ever, I have been proud of my children's resilience. The fact that they've had to endure so much change and such scary times during their generation and have handled it so well, it's admirable. Of course you know the school's have since re-opened. My eldest two children are back to school, wearing masks and rolling with the punches. But my youngest, however, is currently back to virtual learning. After much deliberation, we're considering putting her back into in-person learning soon. We hope it'll be for the best.

Before COVID I had plans to go back home to California to visit my grandparents and family. During this trip I had plans to meet with my stepbrother to receive a portion of my dad's ashes who had passed away two years ago. I was going to spread them at an island we frequented when I was a kid. But because of COVID my stepbrother had to spread them without me. I was also supposed to go to properly pay respects to my grandmother's grave who had also recently passed away. I didn't get to do that either and that hurt. It still does. I haven't been back to California since, haven't got to see my family. I miss them all very much.

My husband has been working from home during this time, taking on the Mr. Mom role quite well actually. But even he gets burnt out, understandably. On those days it's especially hard. I'll come home from work and he needs a break. So as tired as I am, I'll drop everything and take over. Making sure our daughter gets to play outside after working all day on her computer, doing schoolwork. It's important to me, for her to never get as burnt out as her parents feel.

Speaking of burn out, that's where I'm at. And no, I don't want a hug, just a listening ear from genuine friends. I've been working. Virtual schooling. Writing. Working out. Regular cooking, cleaning and doing laundry. Keeping up with an energetic 9 year old and my two teens. Oh, and dealing with the regular natural disasters that occur in our family, such as: A broken A/C unit, a broken refrigerator and an injured pup! Even my friendships have suffered! COVID has driven a stake right through them! We're all even more busy now than ever, making it near impossible to spend time together! It's frustrating and leaving me on edge. I NEED MY GIRL TALKS because MY DAUGHTERS DON'T CARE TO HEAR ABOUT 'MOMMY PROBLEMS'.

We've managed two short trips during this time. Breaks that were well needed. But it wasn't long enough. All I wish to do now is get away! Leaving me with a strong desire to go off grid for a while and just disappear. We'll see if I get the chance to soon.

Another positive is that I finally finished another book. And as controversial as it is, He Loves Me Not was a long time coming. I won't say that COVID has affected my ability to write, I couldn't stop that if I tried. Sometimes it's the only escape I have from all of the stress I have in my daily life. I feel like people don't believe me when I say that sometimes, like my life looks picturesque from the outside. Like I'm pampered and life is easy. To them I would say: Everything you see I've worked hard for. Failure isn't an option in my life. Not when I have three sets of eyes watching me, learning. And know this, it's never been easy. But it is always worth it, in the end.

I am working on more books currently. But as of late, I've divided my time between two specifically. The Curse Of Everly Jones, which is the last of The Blake Brothers series and a top secret WIP which I'll say nothing about! Oh! I forgot to mention that I am also featured in a newly released anthology called Tales Around The Supper Table. Look it up and you'll find a middle grade short fantasy story called The Invisible Train written by me! Check it out!

Okay well I think I got it all off my chest (for now). For those of you still with me, kudos to you!!! In the future you can expect more books from me and less whining. LOL

Take care everyone. Don't forget to take breaks when it all becomes too much. Breaks are allowed. And to slow down every now and then to appreciate the good moments when they come.

You'll hear from me soon. Or later.



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